Faraday instability in small vessels under vertical vibration


  • A Zubiaga
  • D Brunner
  • F Sager
  • M Clemens
  • E Koepf
  • G Boiger




The formation of Faraday waves in a liquid inside a cylindrical vessel under the influence of vertical vibration is studied. The stability thresholds and its mode decomposition are obtained using a linear stability analysis. The stability model is validated with a vibration experiment in a vertical vibration table. The Faraday instability threshold is found for accelerations ranging from 0.1 to 1.0 times the gravitational acceleration. The confinement effect by the vessel introduces cut-off the low frequency modes and the allowed frequencies are discretized. The resulting acceleration stability threshold is high at low frequencies and it is the lowest at medium frequencies, , where the discretization of the mode -momenta introduces low stability regions delimited by more stable frequency ranges. The relevance of these characteristics for the agitation of liquids will be discussed.


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How to Cite

Zubiaga, A. ., Brunner, D., Sager, F. ., Clemens, M., Koepf, E., & Boiger, G. (2019). Faraday instability in small vessels under vertical vibration. The International Journal of Multiphysics, 13(1), 61-72. https://doi.org/10.21152/1750-9548.13.1.61




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