Multiphysics Eulerian-Lagrangian Electrostatic Particle Spray- And Deposition Model for OpenFOAM® and KaleidoSim® Cloud-Platform


  • G Boiger
  • M Boldrini
  • V Lienhard
  • B Siyahhan
  • H Khawaja
  • M Moatamedi



A finite volume based Eulerian-Lagrangian model has been created within OpenFOAM® in order to predict the behavior of particle clouds as well as particle deposition thicknesses on substrates under the influence of electro-static effects. The model resolves close to electrode effects as well as phenomena within the entire deposition chamber. It considers fluid dynamic effects, particle inertia, gravity, electric- as well as mechanic particle-particle interaction, corona formation, dynamic particle charging mechanisms, and coupling of particle motion to Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) based flow simulations. Resulting deposition pattern predictions were experimentally validated. It is demonstrated qualitatively and quantitatively that the measured deposition thicknesses and patterns vary by; i) applied voltage, ii) airflow rate, pistol-substrate iii) distance and iv) angle. Furthermore, the software has been prepared such that it works on the cloud computing software KaleidoSim®, which enables the simultaneous browser-based running of hundreds of cases for large parameter studies.


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How to Cite

Boiger, G., Boldrini, M., Lienhard, V., Siyahhan, B., Khawaja, H., & Moatamedi, M. (2020). Multiphysics Eulerian-Lagrangian Electrostatic Particle Spray- And Deposition Model for OpenFOAM® and KaleidoSim® Cloud-Platform. The International Journal of Multiphysics, 14(1), 1-16.




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