Most effective combustion technologies for reducing Nox emissions in aero gas turbines


  • F Ommi
  • M Azimi



The growth in air transportation volume has important global environmental impacts associated with the potential for climate change. Jet aircraft emissions are deposited directly into the upper atmosphere and some of them have a greater warming effect than gases emitted closer to the surface. One of the key issues that is addressed in virtually every aero gas turbine application is emissions, particularly Nox emissions. There are different technologies for nitrogen oxide emission control in aircraft gas turbines. In this paper, we have briefly reviewed the technologies with the greatest potential to reduce Nox emissions in aero engines.


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How to Cite

Ommi, F., & Azimi, M. (2012). Most effective combustion technologies for reducing Nox emissions in aero gas turbines. The International Journal of Multiphysics, 6(4), 417-424.


