Numerical study of an interlayer effect on explosively welded joints
Explosive welding is a useful method for joining similar or dissimilar metal alloys that are not easily joined by any other means of welding. Insertion of an interlayer between two-parent plates is beneficial to control the welding parameters and improve the welding quality. In order to investigate the importance of interlayer during the explosive welding process, this paper presents the numerical simulation of explosive welding of Ti6Al4V-SS304 in the presence of different interlayer materials, i.e. SS304, Ti6Al4V, CP-Ti, Cu, Al. To understand the whole welding process with efficient computational time, coupled smoothed particle hydrodynamics -Euler -Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian formulation was opted. Results were analyzed on the basis of different material interlayers. Welding parameters, i.e. pressure, temperature, plastic strain and interface morphology revealed that interlayer improved the welding quality. Furthermore, as an interlayer, the materials with high strength showed high welding strength.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Y Mahmood, B Guo, P Chen, Q Zhou, A Bhatti

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