Numerical simulation of explosive welding using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method


  • J Feng
  • P Chen
  • Q Zhou
  • K Dai
  • E An
  • Y Yuan



In order to investigate the mechanism of explosive welding and the influences of explosive welding parameters on the welding quality, this paper presents numerical simulation of the explosive welding of Al-Mg plates using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method. The multi-physical phenomena of explosive welding, including acceleration of the flyer plate driven by explosive detonation, oblique collision of the flyer and base plates, jetting phenomenon and the formation of wavy interface can be reproduced in the simulation. The characteristics of explosive welding are analyzed based on the simulation results. The mechanism of wavy interface formation is mainly due to oscillation of the collision point on the bonding surfaces. In addition, the impact velocity and collision angle increase with the increase of the welding parameters, such as explosive thickness and standoff distance, resulting in enlargement of the interfacial waves.


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How to Cite

Feng, J., Chen, P., Zhou, Q., Dai, K., An, E., & Yuan, Y. (2017). Numerical simulation of explosive welding using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method. The International Journal of Multiphysics, 11(3), 315-326.


