Study on Characteristics of Flow-induced Vibration (FIV) Induced by Gas-liquid Two-phase Flow in the Conveying Pipe
The multi-physics coupling study is carried out by considering the fluctuation of the interphase dynamic interface and its flow characteristics as well as the mechanical properties of the solid structure of the pipeline. By capturing the dynamic interface between gas and liquid, calculating its flow characteristics, combined with the time-history displacement and amplitude of the characteristic monitoring point and the axis of the pipeline, the FIV response characteristics of the basin in the S-type conveying pipe are analyzed. The results show that the dominant area of single gas phase or single liquid phase is not easy to deform and vibrate. The transition and persistence of the flow pattern in the mixed turbulent flow area and the weak regular fluctuation of the flow field in the pipe stimulate the pipe wall to cause stress reaction, leading to the time-history vibration with great difference in the pipe.
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