Electromagnetism based atmospheric ice sensing technique - A conceptual review


  • U Mughal
  • M Virk
  • M Mustafa




Electromagnetic and vibrational properties of ice can be used to measure certain parameters such as ice thickness, type and icing rate. In this paper we present a review of the dielectric based measurement techniques for matter and the dielectric/spectroscopic properties of ice. Atmospheric Ice is a complex material with a variable dielectric constant, but precise calculation of this constant may form the basis for measurement of its other properties such as thickness and strength using some electromagnetic methods. Using time domain or frequency domain spectroscopic techniques, by measuring both the reflection and transmission characteristics of atmospheric ice in a particular frequency range, the desired parameters can be determined.


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How to Cite

Mughal, U., Virk, M., & Mustafa, M. (2012). Electromagnetism based atmospheric ice sensing technique - A conceptual review. The International Journal of Multiphysics, 6(4), 341-354. https://doi.org/10.1260/1750-9548.6.4.341




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