The Effect of Early Maladaptive Schemas on the Tendency to Cheat Based on Attachment Behavior in Married Women


  • Sara Mohtadi, HojatAllah Moradi, Ahmad Baseri



Infidelity tendency, attachment behavior, marital relations, primary maladaptive schemas


The purpose of the present study was to investigate the direct effect of primary incompatible schemas on the tendency to cheat based on attachment behavior in married women. The method of the present research is a correlational description. The statistical population consisted of all married female students of Islamic Azad University, in the academic year of 2023- 2024. The random sampling method was a multi-stage cluster and the sample size was 200 people. To collect data, the ATIS attitude questionnaire (Whatley, 2008), Collins and Reed (1990) adult attachment style questionnaire, and Yang schema questionnaire (Calvete et al., 2005) were used. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics (mean and median, dispersion index from the center (standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis), and correlation test were used. The results showed that attachment behavior in marital relationships and primary incompatible schemas are directly related to each other. Infidelity is predicted in married women. The primary maladaptive schemas have a direct effect on the tendency to infidelity based on attachment behavior.



How to Cite

Sara Mohtadi, HojatAllah Moradi, Ahmad Baseri. (2024). The Effect of Early Maladaptive Schemas on the Tendency to Cheat Based on Attachment Behavior in Married Women. The International Journal of Multiphysics, 18(4), 550 - 557.


