Explaining the Common Elements and Concepts of Children's Painting and Coffee house Psychological Environment of Piaget


  • Fatemeh Heybatpour Zavareh, Nakisa Hedayatzadeh


Children's painting, coffee house painting, Piaget, Egocentrism, Animism,


Children create without any training and only based on their imagination and their minds, and their works are accompanied by the same simplicity and childish expression. Accordingly, since the coffeehouse painters were painters who had never seen the school and their images were born from their imaginations, their paintings have many similarities with children's paintings in terms of shape and form. This research aims to describe the main characteristics of children's behavior and thinking in the pre-operational stage (2-7 years) and to examine the similarities between children's paintings and coffee house paintings (The Tragedy of Karbala by Qolalar Aghassi and Mohammad Modaber) based on Piaget's psychological approach. In the current research, the question has been answered, what is the reason for the closeness of the form and elements of children's paintings with fantasy painters?



How to Cite

Fatemeh Heybatpour Zavareh, Nakisa Hedayatzadeh. (2024). Explaining the Common Elements and Concepts of Children’s Painting and Coffee house Psychological Environment of Piaget . The International Journal of Multiphysics, 18(4), 47 - 74. Retrieved from https://themultiphysicsjournal.com/index.php/ijm/article/view/1546


