Analysis crystal characteristics of diamond synthesized by different dynamic loading methods


  • S Shang
  • Y Tong
  • Y Wang
  • F Huang



The crystal characteristics of the diamond samples that are synthesized by several dynamic loading methods, i.e., explosion and impact, have been characterized by XRD and TEM and compared with the diamonds synthesized by static high-temperature and high-pressure method. The crystal lattice integrity of the diamonds synthesized by the dynamic loading methods is poor, and the diamonds possess the characteristic of polycrystalline coalescence. Similar to the static diamonds, the diamonds synthesized by the methods of plane shock wave and detonation products are also single cubic crystal, while the diamonds synthesized by the methods of axial symmetry shock wave and direct detonation have different proportions of cubic and hexagonal crystal structures. The reasons for the formation of these properties have been studied by analyzing the synthesis process and technical characteristics. The results are helpful for the reasonable application of these diamond products, and also have some significance in deepening the understanding of the synthesis mechanism of different dynamic loading methods.


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How to Cite

Shang, S., Tong, Y., Wang, Y., & Huang, F. (2020). Analysis crystal characteristics of diamond synthesized by different dynamic loading methods. The International Journal of Multiphysics, 14(1), 81-96.


