Experimental Study and Computational Simulation for Shock Characteristics Estimation of Okinawa’s Soils “Jahgaru”


  • Y Higa
  • H Iyama
  • K Shimojima
  • M Nishi
  • S Itoh




To clarify the shock characteristics of Okinawa’s unique soils “Jahgaru” that is widely distributed in southern part of Okinawa Main Island, an experimental investigation of dynamics properties such as shockwave propagation, pressure and particle velocity have been performed using impedance matching method. Therefore, we have also obtained the Hugoniot date of “Jahgaru”. And then, to reveal a validity of the material characteristics, a computational model for the experimental procedure using ALE simulation have been developed. A comparison between numerical results and experimental ones, the capability of proposed method through the numerical simulations have been confirmed.


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How to Cite

Higa, Y., Iyama, H., Shimojima, K., Nishi, M., & Itoh, S. (2017). Experimental Study and Computational Simulation for Shock Characteristics Estimation of Okinawa’s Soils “Jahgaru”. The International Journal of Multiphysics, 11(3), 245-254. https://doi.org/10.21152/1750-9548.11.3.245




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